Media-wind - Fill media for trickling filters


Fill media for trickling filters

MEDIA-WIND is a modern fill media developed for medium/high-load percolator beds.

General characteristics:
Shape Circolar
Dimension ca. 115 mm
Specific surface ca. 110 SM/CM
Units/CM 1390
Void index: ca 95%
Dry Weight 50 kg mc
Working Weight ca. 450kg / M3
Matter Black isotactic PP

Black isotactic PP has excellent mechanical and chemical work–load properties.

MEDIA-WIND’s geometry has been developed in order obtain extensive wet surface bed compared to their volume.

MEDIA-WIND allows therefore hydraulic surfaced loads. The height permeability and strong hydraulic applicable load minimize any risk of stoppage of the bed, even in case of high specific organic load. Isotactic PP is a polymer with excellent chemical and mechanical characteristics.
The material employed and the geometry of MINI-WIND grant a high compression resistance. In bed-heights up to 6 meters, the most compressed layers undergo a deformation lower than 1-2%.

  • Sewage has to be clarified and homogenized.
  • Decantation prior to effluent recycle.
  • Incoming sewage concentration of circa 2-7Kg BOD5/CM of filling admitted.
    It is good practice to recycle in order to obtain the correct surface load. Incoming sewage BOD5 is related to BOD5 requested by the effluent with optimum value of 250mg/l. (except first stage percolaters). This limits are common to taut fillers which are less subject to stoppage thanks to their geometry.

The most effective and widely used work-diagram is the following